The application page of My site has been closed for some time to new submissives however I appreciate that some hopeful submissives have been trying to submit and have been contacting Me in other manners to serve.
Whilst I appreciate your enthusiasm and your efforts... this is the only place where I arrange sessions and as such I have been ignoring them! Until now.
If you are committed and hopeful to serve Me, submit your details in the form below and this will put you onto My waitlist.
***Note this does not guarantee you a session***
If I like the look of your form, your fetishes mesh well with mine, you include a good level of detail, display good etiquette and all other relevant information is filled in, when an available session opens up I will email you to let you know.
£350 per hr. £500 1.5 hr.
50% upfront deposit, 50% on day - Sent as specified.
Cancellations within 72 hrs prior to the session will void the deposit.
***Cancellations prior to 72 hrs - you can rebook the session at a later date. Only 1 cancellation is permitted in this timescale. If you cancel again the deposit will be voided and you will be blacklisted.
My time is my most valuable commodity, I do not take it lightly when anyone disrespects My time let alone a submissive hoping to serve Me ***
Cancellations on the day - full tribute must be sent otherwise you will be blacklisted.
I have no timescale for My session availability at the moment so it will be on a first come first serve basis however if I make contact and I do not hear back within 5 days of making contact with you Myself do not be disappointed if the session availability has expired.
Keep an eye on your inbox!
*** you will know the form has submitted properly as it will tell you afterwards if no message shows up clear your cache and try again. you must enter all fields with valid entries for it to submit ***

Standard Session Waitlist
hEavy pain masochist/Waitlist Aka Bullwhip List
Use the above form to get onto My waitlist for standard sessions which will incorporate other elements of female domination in them - use the below form for bullwhipping and heavy pain sessions only - not for new submissives or those with no prior experience of pain. These sessions will only incorporate corporal style punishment ie bullwhipping, caning and CBT. Also for use of submissives who have no hard limits with marks being left (non-permanent)-
Only submit details here if you enjoy truly suffering for My pleasure.